Determination of the particularities of the hydraulic friction factor variation of collecting drainage pipelines




collecting drainage pipeline, variable flow, filtration resistance, hydraulic friction factor


The object of the study in this paper is collecting perforated drainage pipelines, in particular, the determination of the hydraulic friction factor λdr, which significantly affects the parameters of the investigated pipes. Clarifying this issue will solve an important engineering problem – to develop a reliable method for hydraulic calculation of collecting perforated drainage pipes. As the main drawback of most of the available theoretical and experimental works on this topic is the insufficient consideration of the filtration characteristics of the surrounding soil and the material of the pipeline walls. Experimental studies of pressure drainage pipes with different design characteristics made it possible to find out the real picture of fluid flow in the pipe. Based on the research results, experimental dependences of λdr on the ratio of the fluid inflow velocity to the average flow velocity in the corresponding section (Uh/V), as well as on the design characteristics of the channel were obtained. The maximum possible flow that can be collected and passed by a collecting drainage pipeline with the specified design and filtration characteristics is determined. It is shown that a larger value of the specified ratio corresponds to larger values of λdr. This result can be explained by the effect of the attached flow on the main flow. Obviously, some energy is spent on the interaction of the attached and the main flow in the pipe, which leads to additional head losses. In the paper, dependencies were obtained for calculating the studied factor for collecting drainage pipelines. Using them in the calculation of drainage pipes will increase the reliability and efficiency of land reclamation systems, in which these pipelines are important structural elements

Author Biographies

Andriy Kravchuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Water Supply and Water Disposal

Volodymyr Cherniuk, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Environmental Engineering

Institute of Environmental Engineering

Gennadii Kochetov, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Chemistry

Oleksandr Kravchuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Water Supply and Water Disposal

Tamara Airapetian, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Water Supply, Sewerage and Purification of Waters


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Determination of the particularities of the hydraulic friction factor variation of collecting drainage pipelines




How to Cite

Kravchuk, A., Cherniuk, V., Kochetov, G., Kravchuk, O., & Airapetian, T. (2023). Determination of the particularities of the hydraulic friction factor variation of collecting drainage pipelines. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(7 (126), 33–38.



Applied mechanics