Revealing patterns in the influence of variable permeability of well bottomhole zones on the operational modes of underground gas storage facilities




underground gas storage facility, filtration resistance, Darcy’s law, skin factor, Forchheimer coefficient


The object of this study is underground gas storage facilities (UGSF). The main problem being solved is to ensure effective management of the operation process of underground gas storage facilities (UGSF) at operational and forecast time intervals. One of the main factors that affect the operating modes of UGSF is significantly non-stationary filtration processes that take place in the bottomhole zones of wells. The complexity of assessing the multifactorial impact on depression/repression around the wells affects both the speed and accuracy of calculating the mode parameters of UGSF operation. Analysis of the results of well studies revealed a significant area of uncertainty in the calculation of the filtration resistance coefficients of their bottomhole zones. A satisfactory accuracy of the result in the expected time was achieved by building a model of integrated consideration of the influence of the parameters of all the bottomhole zones of the wells on the mode of UGSF operation. It turned out that the integrated consideration of the impact on the parameters of the bottomhole zones of the wells neutralized the effect of significant changes in the filtration resistance coefficients of the wells and ensured a sufficient speed of calculation of UGSF operation modes. Simultaneous simulation of ten operating UGSFs under the peak mode of withdrawal the entire available volume of active gas takes no more than six minutes. The speed of simulation of filtration processes in the bottomhole zones of wells ensured finding the best of them according to one or another criterion of operation mode quality.

As a result of the research, a model was built and implemented by software, which was tested under real operating conditions and provides optimal planning of UGSF operating modes for given time intervals. Its use is an effective tool for the operational calculation of current modes and technical capacity of UGSF for a given pressure distribution in the system of main gas pipelines. The performance of the constructed mathematical methods has been confirmed by the results of numerical experiments

Author Biographies

Myroslav Prytula, Branch "Research and Design Institute of Gas Transport" PJSC "Ukrtransgaz"

PhD, Senior Engineer

Department of Development of Systems for Optimal Planning and Forecasting of Underground Gas Storage Operation Modes

Nazar Prytula, Branch "Research and Design Institute of Gas Transport" PJSC "Ukrtransgaz"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Department

Department of Development of Systems for Optimal Planning and Forecasting of Underground Gas Storage Operation Modes

Yaroslav Pyanylo, Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Department of Mathematical Modeling of Transfer Processes in Complex Systems

Zoia Prytula, Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, Researcher

Laboratory of Mathematical Problems of the Mechanics of Inhomogeneous Bodies

Olga Khymko, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies


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Revealing patterns in the influence of variable permeability of well bottomhole zones on the operational modes of underground gas storage facilities




How to Cite

Prytula, M., Prytula, N., Pyanylo, Y., Prytula, Z., & Khymko, O. (2023). Revealing patterns in the influence of variable permeability of well bottomhole zones on the operational modes of underground gas storage facilities. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(1 (126), 98–112.



Engineering technological systems