Determining the influence of sandwich-type components on the load of a hatch cover in a universal open wagon




railroad transport, open wagon hatch cover, hatch cover strength, open wagon load


The object of the study reported here is the processes of occurrence, perception, and redistribution of loads in the improved structure of the hatch cover in a universal open wagon.

In order to reduce the load on the cover of an open wagon hatch, and, accordingly, to improve its strength, it is proposed to improve its design by introducing sandwich components. The thickness of the sheets that form the hatch cover has been determined. The dynamic loading of the hatch cover in the vertical plane was studied. It was found that the accelerations acting on the hatch cover with the proposed improvement are almost 20 % lower than those acting on the typical structure. The basic strength indicators of the hatch cover under the operational modes of its load have been determined. The results of the calculation showed that the maximum stresses in the hatch cover are 22 % lower than permissible ones. In addition, within the framework of the study, the main indicators of the dynamics of the open wagon equipped with the proposed structure of hatch covers were determined. The movement of the open wagon under the condition of movement in an empty state is rated as "good". At the same time, the maximum accelerations in the center of mass of the supporting structure of an open wagon were 4.6 m/s2, and the coefficient of vertical dynamics was about 0.6.

Special features of the results within the framework of this study are that the proposed improvement of the hatch cover helps improve its strength by reducing the dynamic load, and not by strengthening the structure.

The scope of practical application of the results is the engineering industry, in particular, railroad transport. The conditions for the practical use of the research results are the use of energy-absorbing material in the sandwich-type components that form the hatch cover.

The study reported here could contribute to devising recommendations for the construction of components in the structures of modern freight cars, thereby reducing the costs of maintaining them in operation, as well as increasing the profitability of railroad transportation

Author Biographies

Alyona Lovska, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Wagon Engineering and Product Quality

Volodymyr Nerubatskyi, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics

Oleksandr Plakhtii, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics

Sergiy Myamlin, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

PhD, Researcher

Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics


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Determining the influence of sandwich-type components on the load of a hatch cover in a universal open wagon




How to Cite

Lovska, A., Nerubatskyi, V., Plakhtii, O., & Myamlin, S. (2024). Determining the influence of sandwich-type components on the load of a hatch cover in a universal open wagon. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(7 (127), 6–13.



Applied mechanics