Devising approaches to modeling enterprise business processes under conditions of modern digital technologies




digital technologies, enterprise business processes, modeling of business processes, level of digitization


A study was conducted on modeling business processes at an enterprise under the conditions of modern digital technologies, which could make it possible to determine the level of digitization at the enterprise in general, minimize costs, optimize work, and enable business processes automation. The main and most important business processes at an enterprise require simulation on basic digital technologies. As part of the research, the main business processes at an enterprise under the conditions of digital technologies were formed, which make it possible to determine the level of efficiency of the enterprise from the implemented digital technologies and the ways that the enterprise should implement to improve it.

It has been established that digitalization has a positive effect on a country's GDP level, the level of employment, and the growth of the population's well-being.

A methodical approach to the formation of the company's strategy based on the modeling of business processes, taking into account digital technologies, has been devised. This approach, unlike existing ones, makes it possible to determine the necessary level of digitization and identify the scope of implementation of the implementation of digital technologies at the enterprise. This makes it possible to assess digitization at an enterprise and determine the most important business processes for its operation.

Practical implementation of the proposed methodology was carried out for four transport industry enterprises. The most important business processes for enterprises have been determined. According to the results of the study, it was found that digital modeling and optimization of business processes has the greatest impact, which is (3.00) and shows the level of effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies, as well as their orientation to the search for appropriate sources of financial resources

Author Biographies

Olena Arefieva, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Air Transport Economics

Zarina Poberezhna, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Economics and Business Technology

Svitlana Petrovska, National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor


Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Serhii Arefiev, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Technology Management

Yuriy Kopcha, National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Air Transport Economics


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Devising approaches to modeling enterprise business processes under conditions of modern digital technologies




How to Cite

Arefieva, O., Poberezhna, Z., Petrovska, S., Arefiev, S., & Kopcha, Y. (2024). Devising approaches to modeling enterprise business processes under conditions of modern digital technologies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(13 (127), 69–79.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology