Devising an economic-legal approach to the viability of innovative technology transfer in the process of its commercialization




commercial technology transfer, viability, licensing activity, transfer effect, technology gap


The object of this study is to determine the economic effect of technology transfer during the period of its viability. This paper suggests a methodology that takes into account the appropriate amount of profit and the accumulated amount of royalties in the commercial use of innovative technology. The necessity of taking into account the viability of the transfer of innovative technology as the beginning of its new life cycle was substantiated. The possibility of formalizing this process in the form of an assessment of the sum of the present values of all projected cash flows, taking into account the eligibility criterion and the barrier rate, has been established. We propose an approach, which, unlike the existing ones, consists in allocating a certain period of viability of innovative technology transfer in the life cycle of technology. It is argued that based on the results of technology renovation, it is possible to assess the economic effect of its transfer due to the benefits of implementation and achievement of licensing activity by expanding the number of licensees. We substantiate the possibility of generating profits and royalties to the licensor as the amount of investment that can and should be directed to the development of a fundamentally new or improved technology in relation to the previous one. The transition to a new technology causes an increase in the overall technological level and leads to the formation of a technological gap between the S-shaped life curves of technical systems and, in parallel, forms a new S-shaped curve of a new technological system based on new knowledge. An economic and legal approach to the development of a methodology for determining the economic effect or viability of innovative-level TT was implemented. The results of the current study could be used in the formation of legislative and subordinate national regulations, as well as serve as a basis for further research on this issue

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Butnik-Siverskyi, Scientific-Research Institute of Intellectual Property of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Industrial Property and Commercialization of Intellectual Property Objects

Roman Kirin, State Organization "V. Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Law Sciences

Department of Economic and Legal Problems of Urban Studies

Olexandr Doroshenko, Scientific-Research Institute of Intellectual Property of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine



Hryhoriy Dorozhko, Scientific-Research Institute of Intellectual Property of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine


Deputy Director


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Devising an economic-legal approach to the viability of innovative technology transfer in the process of its commercialization




How to Cite

Butnik-Siverskyi, O., Kirin, R., Doroshenko, O., & Dorozhko, H. (2024). Devising an economic-legal approach to the viability of innovative technology transfer in the process of its commercialization. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(13 (127), 103–112.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology