Convergence of dominant forms of investment capital in the development of socio-economic systems




capital convergence, investment capital, industrial revolution, capital mobility, system development


The object of this study is the dominant forms of investment capital and their convergence according to the stages of development of socio-economic systems. Any evolution has certain stages. The development of socio-economic systems is no exception. All processes and phenomena in the world, including development, occur cyclically and are interconnected with the stages of natural, social, and economic processes. According to the theory of economic cycles, such phenomena as the development of the socio-economic system, its crisis and innovations have a close relationship. Industrial revolutions became a vivid example of changes in the socio-economic development of complex systems. One of the main sources of financing for each stage of the industrial revolution is investment capital, which can be part of industrial, private, financial, banking, or intellectual capital. Depending on the signs of social relations, social system, etc. can take their forms.

Each of the stages of the industrial revolution is preceded by appropriate conditions that are associated with certain historical conditions at a specific moment in time. Considering the dominant forms of investment capital according to the stages of the industrial revolution, the reasons for their change should be noted. The process of convergence of investment capital is considered here.

One of the indicators that characterizes the efficiency of investment capital is its mobility or immobility. A number of macroeconomic factors affect the mobility of investment capital.

Considering the world structure of direct foreign investments, the main directions of their utilization have been indicated. The model of the convergence of the dominant forms of investment capital in the logistics system is presented in accordance with the stage of the industrial revolution and the features that accompany it

Author Biographies

Viktoriia Prokhorova, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Economics and Management

Svitlana Mushnykova, Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Financial Management, Accounting Analytics and Business Monitoring

Anna Zaitseva, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of International Economic Relations named after Artur Golikov

Olga Gavrysh, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship


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Convergence of dominant forms of investment capital in the development of socio-economic systems




How to Cite

Prokhorova, V., Mushnykova, S., Zaitseva, A., & Gavrysh, O. (2024). Convergence of dominant forms of investment capital in the development of socio-economic systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(13 (127), 122–130.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology