Estimating the influence of research and development expenditures on the income of companies revenue in the field of engineering of innovative developments under the conditions of changing project management methodology




Waterfall, Agile, R&D, innovation engineering, management efficiency, project management, flexible management


The choice of project management methodology affects both the implementation of projects and their economic efficiency. Quantitative assessment of such an impact substantiates the relevance of this paper's research topic. The object of the study is the activity of companies in the field of engineering of innovative developments under the conditions of change in project management methodology. The study solved the problem of identifying the impact of research and development costs on the income of companies in the field of innovative development engineering in the context of a change in project management methodology. A change in project management methodology can significantly affect the costs, timelines, and bottom line associated with research and development, and determine their effectiveness in the context of achieving business goals. A change in project management methodology can affect the use of resources allocated for research and development, which ultimately affects the company's performance. Regression analysis was used to determine the impact of changes in project management methodology on the amount of investment in research and development. The results of the study show that the use of project management methodologies, such as Waterfall and Agile, has a positive effect on the quality of project management and financial indicators of companies. Projects implemented according to the Agile methodology are more effective, reducing the number of canceled and closed projects. Both methodologies lead to the successful completion of most projects but the percentage of successfully completed projects with the Waterfall methodology is higher than with Agile. The use of Agile makes it possible to  achieve a significant reduction in the terms of project implementation and improve the efficiency of costs and resources. The results can be used by companies at the stage of choosing a project management methodology to decide on the implementation of the Waterfall or Agile methodology

Author Biography

Oleksii Myronenko, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Postgraduate Student

Department of Computer Systems and Technologies

Institute of Computer Information Technologies and Design


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Estimating the influence of research and development expenditures on the income of companies revenue in the field of engineering of innovative developments under the conditions of changing project management methodology




How to Cite

Myronenko, O. (2024). Estimating the influence of research and development expenditures on the income of companies revenue in the field of engineering of innovative developments under the conditions of changing project management methodology. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(13 (128), 66–74.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology