The determination of the features of the process of mixture formation of hydrogen burner




hydrogen fuel, hydrogen burner, burner consumption, mixture formation, heat production, nitrogen oxides


The use of hydrogen fuel as an alternative source of individual heat supply is a rather promising direction in the development of thermal energy. However, due to the physical properties of hydrogen and the peculiarities of its combustion, several problems arise for the practical use of hydrogen heat generators. Such problems include ensuring flare stability and large emissions of thermal nitrogen oxides (NOX). For stable operation of the hydrogen burner, safe operation, and reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions when burning hydrogen, first, it is necessary to ensure high-quality pre-mixing with air.

This work presents the first stage of research into the operation of a hydrogen burner for heat production in the Flow Simulation module of the SolidWorks software environment. For volume flow rates of air and hydrogen corresponding to capacities of 1, 1.5 and 2 kW and air excess coefficient α=1.6. The given design makes it possible to ensure uniform mixture formation (the volume fraction of hydrogen is approximately 18.5 % at the outlet cross-section of the burner and the speed at the outlet of the burner is 5.4, 8.1, and 10.8 m/s, respectively. The burner is a nozzle with a short premixing chamber First, hydrogen is supplied for mixing into the air flow through symmetrically located holes. After that, a vortex is created, which ensures high-quality mixing of gases with a short length of the burner, as well as a uniform distribution of velocity at the exit.

The obtained results allow to proceed to the next stage – the study of hydrogen combustion processes in the combustion chamber of the contact heat generator, which would ensure the formation of a stable flame and low NOX emissions. In addition, this design can be used in the development of hydrogen burners for heating boilers to meet the needs of private homes and small businesses

Author Biographies

Kateryna Romanova, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


Department of Heat and Alternative Power Engineering

Ivan Mitchenko, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Postgraduate Student

Department of Heat and Alternative Power Engineering


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The determination of the features of the process of mixture formation of hydrogen burner




How to Cite

Romanova, K., & Mitchenko, I. (2024). The determination of the features of the process of mixture formation of hydrogen burner. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(8 (128), 66–72.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment