Features of the application of geoinformation systems to increase the yield of agricultural land





yield, land monitoring, optimization, navigation system, agricultural technologies


The main problems in the effective use of land resources as an important factor of the country's development and population's food security are considered. The study was conducted in the northern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The object of the study was grain-growing farms in the Akmola region.

The study concluded that satellite imagery and unmanned aerial vehicles should be used to monitor crops and assess yields in the Akmola region. These technologies allow for more efficient land management, prompt response to problems and informed decision-making. The experience of GIS application in the United States consists in the formation of database systems for all soil types that are of economic importance. There are 4 national soil databases, as well as several automated soil databases containing data on more than 13,400 soil varieties. The country's Soil Conservation Service has created soil geographic databases, including a geographic database on soil surveys, state soil associations, and major land resource areas.

The economic efficiency of land conservation measures will be determined by the amount of net income, taking into account the prevented environmental damage in value form, using the efficiency coefficient of environmental costs relative to the total production and environmental costs. The acreage area in the Akmola region on average for 2018–2023 amounted to 26,264.32 thousand hectares, the average actual crop yield was 12.5 centner/ha. Based on the given system of formulas, the estimated crop yield on non-eroded soils (Yn) is 13.5 centner/ha, and the crop shortfall (V) due to land erosion is 871.88 thousand centners of grain, which is 69,750 thousand tenge at an average grain price of 80,000 tenge/t

Author Biographies

Aigul Shaimerdenova, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University

Master of Economic Sciences, Doctoral Student

Department of Cadastre

Faya Shulenbayeva, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University

Doctor of Economical Science, Full Professor in Economics, Professor of the Department

Department of Cadastre

Adaskhan Daribayeva, Esil University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Economics and Marketing

Karylgash Chakeyeva, Turan University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Marketing and Logistics

Aziya Kulubekova, LLP "International Educational Center Eurasia"




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Features of the application of geoinformation systems to increase the yield of agricultural land




How to Cite

Shaimerdenova, A., Shulenbayeva, F., Daribayeva, A., Chakeyeva, K., & Kulubekova, A. (2024). Features of the application of geoinformation systems to increase the yield of agricultural land. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(13 (130), 75–83. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.309388



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology