Identifying possible ways for adapting an open wagon for transporting containers
railroad transport, open wagon, structure adaptation, loading of a open wagon, longitudinal dynamics, container transportationAbstract
The object of this study is the processes of perception and redistribution of loads in the supporting structure of a open wagon loaded with containers, taking into account the new scheme of their fastening.
For safe transportation of containers in an open wagon, it is suggested to use a removable module. This module works according to the principle of an intermediate adapter between the container and the open wagon body. Fastening of the module itself in the open wagon is carried out through the fitting stops, which are placed on the floor of the open wagon.
Mathematical modeling was carried out to determine the longitudinal dynamic load acting on the container fixed according to the new scheme in the open wagon. To this end, a mathematical model was built that characterizes the longitudinal movements of the "open wagon - removable module - container" system. Determination of the accelerations that act on the supporting structure of the open wagon loaded with containers was also carried out by means of computer simulation. Verification of the formed model of the dynamic load of the open wagon was carried out according to the F-criterion. Also, as part of the study, a modal analysis of the load-bearing structure of a open wagon loaded with containers was carried out, which made it possible to assess its traffic safety.
A feature of the results obtained as part of the research is that the proposed design of the removable module could be used not only for fastening containers but also for transportation of other types of cargo.
The field of practical application of the results is railroad transport, including other transportation industries. The conditions for the practical use of the results are a symmetrical scheme of loading the body of a open wagon with containers.
The results of this study will contribute to increasing the efficiency of container transportation and the profitability of railroad transport
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