Identifying the effect of adding catalytic converter briquette mix variations employing the microwave method with sulfuric acid activation to reduce emissions in motor vehicles
briquettes, wood charcoal, coconut shells, H2SO4 activation, CO, HCAbstract
The use of fossil fuels in transportation equipment, especially motorized vehicles, will have an extraordinary effect on air pollution. The percentage of air pollution from transportation sources in Indonesia is 70.5 % CO, 18.34 % HC, 8.89 % NOx, 0.88 % SOx, and 1.33 % particulate matter. Given the danger of exhaust emissions, especially carbon monoxide, which can cause death for humans who inhale it, efforts are needed to control air pollution from motorized vehicles. There are several methods that can be applied, one of which is to use adsorbents. Activated carbon can be used as an adsorbent.
In this experimental research, briquettes with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 30 mm were made. A mixture of coconut shell charcoal briquettes and wood charcoal briquettes 65–25 % (Model 1), 55–35 % (Model 2), and 45–45 % (Model 3) was used. The microwave method and sulfuric acid activation for 1 hour were applied. Testing with the object of the study was performed on a 4-stroke motor vehicle (Honda Supra 125) 2012 with an engine speed of 2,000 rpm. Emission tests were carried out using a gas analyzer. The performance test of a motorbike engine where adsorbents are installed in the exhaust gas was conducted using a dyno test. The results show that this briquette mixture can reduce carbon monoxide (CO) gas emissions by 71.6 % compared to without a catalytic converter. In addition, gas emissions of hydrocarbons (HC) were seen to be reduced by 88.8 % in comparison with an engine without a catalytic converter. Engine performance tests showed no significant impact on torque and power due to the use of this adsorbent.
In conclusion, a mixture of coconut shell charcoal briquettes and wood charcoal briquettes activated with sulfuric acid, which is used to reduce exhaust gas emissions in motor vehicles can be applied
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