Development of an approach to the construction of an adapted model for ensuring the thermal readiness processes of a vehicle based on fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions




vehicle, thermal readiness, monitoring, enlarged algorithm, adapted mode, fuel, emissions


The research object is the processes of changes in fuel consumption and harmful emissions of engines and vehicles during their operation.

The investigated problem consists in the lack of an approach to the construction of an adapted model for analytical studies of the thermal readiness processes of vehicles with petrol-powered engines.

An approach to ensuring vehicle thermal preparation based on fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions is proposed. The essence of the improved algorithm and model lies in accounting for the specifics of warm-up processes based on the developed thermal preparation cycle for vehicle engines.

A feature of the improved approach is the incorporation of experimental research results and features of thermal preparation processes.

The field of practical application of the improved approach is the thermal readiness processes of vehicles with engines adapted to work on gasoline and LPG, focusing on fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions.

Improvements have been made to the enlarged algorithm of the mathematical model for ensuring vehicle thermal preparation processes. This includes considering fuel supply and thermal readiness features, as well determining fuel consumption and emissions.

The peculiarity of the proposed model is that it allows systematic simulation of thermal preparation processes, taking into account factors and processes that cannot be investigated experimentally. This is validated by the model’s adequacy test, showing that data deviation is within the statistical error range from 4.4 to 5.2 %.

The application of the developed approach ensures comprehensive consideration of the specifics of thermal preparation processes and supports decision-making for evaluating results according to the relevant criteria

Author Biographies

Igor Gritsuk, Kherson State Maritime Academy

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Ship Technical Systems and Complexes

Dmytro Pohorletskyi, Kherson State Maritime Academy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ship Technical Systems and Complexes

Mykola Bulgakov, Odesa National Maritime University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Navigation and Maritime Safety

Igor Khudiakov, Kherson State Maritime Academy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ship Technical Systems and Complexes

Mykyta Volodarets, Pryazovskyi State Technical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Road Transport

Oleh Smyrnov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Automobile Electronics

Volodymyr Korohodskyi, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Internal Combustion Engines

Roman Symonenko, State Enterprise "State Road Transport Research Institute"

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Center for Scientific Research of Complex Transport Problems

Oleksii Holovashchenko, National Transport University

PhD Student

Department of Ecology and Safety of Vital Functions

Valerii Hrytsuk, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD Student

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems


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Development of an approach to the construction of an adapted model for ensuring the thermal readiness processes of a vehicle based on fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions




How to Cite

Gritsuk, I., Pohorletskyi, D., Bulgakov, M., Khudiakov, I., Volodarets, M., Smyrnov, O., Korohodskyi, V., Symonenko, R., Holovashchenko, O., & Hrytsuk, V. (2024). Development of an approach to the construction of an adapted model for ensuring the thermal readiness processes of a vehicle based on fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4 (132), 26–45.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects