Development of a method for managing a group of unmanned aerial vehicles using a population algorithm




unmanned aerial vehicles, unimodal functions, multimodal functions, destabilizing factors, flight task


The object of the study is a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The subject of the study is the decision-making process in management tasks using:

– an improved brown bear algorithm (BBA), which achieves the determination of the optimal UAV movement route based on the given optimization criterion (the probability of completing the flight task), described by complex multimodal functions;

– evolving artificial neural networks for deep learning of the multi-agent system knowledge base, by training both the parameters and the architecture of artificial neural networks.

The originality of the method lies in using additional improved procedures that allow:

– the initial BBA population and their initial position on the search plane are determined considering the degree of uncertainty in the data on the UAV group movement route;

– the initial speed of each BBA is considered, enabling the prioritization of searches in the respective search plane (height, latitude, and longitude);

– the suitability of the UAV group's flight route for performing the flight task is determined, considering a set of external factors, thereby reducing the decision search time;

– the universality of BBA food search strategies allows classifying a set of conditions and factors affecting the completion of the flight task.

This aids in identifying the most feasible movement options for the UAV group based on the defined optimization criterion for movement route. Modeling the operation of the proposed method has shown that the increase in decision-making efficiency reaches 15–18 %. The enhancement in the method's efficiency is achieved through additional procedures and ensuring the reliability of the decisions at a level of 0.9

Author Biographies

Mohammed Jasim Abed Alkhafaji, Al Taff University College

Assistant Lecturer

Department of Computer Technology Engineering

Svitlana Kashkevich, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute»

Senior Lecturer

Department of Intelligent Cybernetic Systems

Andrii Shyshatskyi, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute»

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Professor

Department of Intelligent Cybernetic Systems

Oleg Sova, National University of Defense of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Deputy Head of Scientific Center

Scientific Center for Building Integrity and Preventing Corruption in the Security and Defense Sector

Oleksii Nalapko, Central Scientifically-Research Institute of Armaments and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

PhD, Head of Research Department

Research Department for Development of Electronic Warfare Equipment

Oleksiy Buyalo, Yevhenii Bereznyak Military Academy

PhD, Senior Researcher, Senior Lecturer

Oleksandr Yula, State Scientific Research Institute Of Armament And Military Equipment Testing And Certification

Head of Research Department

Research Department

Olena Shaposhnikova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

Olha Matsyi, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor

Computer Science and Information Systems

Mykola Dvorskyi, Research Institute of Military Intelligence


Research Department


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Development of a method for managing a group of unmanned aerial vehicles using a population algorithm




How to Cite

Alkhafaji, M. J. A., Kashkevich, S., Shyshatskyi, A., Sova, O., Nalapko, O., Buyalo, O., Yula, O., Shaposhnikova, O., Matsyi, O., & Dvorskyi, M. (2024). Development of a method for managing a group of unmanned aerial vehicles using a population algorithm. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(9 (132), 108–116.



Information and controlling system