Identifying the features in histograms of increments in hazardous parameters of the gas environment at the ignition of materials in unhermetic premises




histogram of increments, ignition of materials, hazardous parameters, gas environment, fire in the room


The object of this study is the histograms of increments in hazardous parameters of the gas environment in a leaky room in the absence and presence of fires of materials. The task of early detection of fires of materials in rooms was addressed. A methodology for determining the histograms of increments of arbitrary hazardous parameters based on samples of arbitrary size from controlled parameters was substantiated. A laboratory experiment was performed to identify the features of the histograms of increments of carbon monoxide concentration, specific optical density of smoke and temperature of the gas environment at intervals of reliable absence and occurrence of fires of alcohol, paper, wood, and textiles. The results indicate that hazardous parameters change over time non-stationarily and are of a complex nature. It was found that for the concentration of carbon monoxide, the specific optical density of smoke and the temperature of the gas medium in the interval of alcohol ignition, the number of modes of the histograms of increments is 9, 8, and 4, and the spread is 0–(+0.3), –0.07–(+0.09), and 0–(+0.32), respectively. When paper ignites, the histograms of increments of hazardous parameters have 10, 3, and 4 modes and the spread of increments is –0.06–(+0.21), ±(0.02), and –0.16–(+0.32), respectively. When wood ignites, the shape of the histogram of increments for the concentration of carbon monoxide is characterized by 4 modes and the spread is 0–(+0.09). The shape of the histograms of increments of the specific optical density of smoke and the temperature of the gas medium during the ignition of wood does not change significantly. The shape of the histogram of the increments of the carbon monoxide concentration during textile ignition is characterized by 3 modes and a spread of ±0.03, and the temperature – by two modes and a spread of 0–(+0.16). These features of the histograms could be used in practice as a sign of early detection of fires for their prompt extinguishing and prevention of fire evolution

Author Biographies

Igor Tolok, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor


Boris Pospelov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Evgeniy Rybka, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Research Center

Yurii Kozar, Uzhhorod National University

Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor

Department of Theory and History of State and Law

Olekcii Krainiukov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor

Department of Environmental Safety and Environmental Education

Volodymyr Volovyk, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Geography Sciences, Professor

Department of Geography

Oleg Bogatov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Metrology and Industrial Safety

Svyatoslav Manzhura, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine


Research Center

Svitlana Ushkats, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies

Kateryna Tishechkina, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Research Center


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Identifying the features in histograms of increments in hazardous parameters of the gas environment at the ignition of materials in unhermetic premises




How to Cite

Tolok, I., Pospelov, B., Rybka, E., Kozar, Y., Krainiukov, O., Volovyk, V., Bogatov, O., Manzhura, S., Ushkats, S., & Tishechkina, K. (2025). Identifying the features in histograms of increments in hazardous parameters of the gas environment at the ignition of materials in unhermetic premises. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10 (133), 37–44.