The reasons of the technological risk in in winter crops programs


  • Олександр Васильович Сидорчук National scientific center "Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture" of UAAS, str. Station, 11, vtt. Glevakha-1, Vasilkiv district, Kyiv area, 08631, Ukraine
  • Павло Миронович Луб Lviv national agrarian university str. В.Velykogo, 1, Dubljany, Zhovkva district, Lviv area, Ukraine, 80381, Ukraine
  • Володимир Анатолійович Українець National scientific center "Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture" of UAAS str. Station, 11, vtt. Glevakha-1, Vasilkiv district, Kyiv area, 08631, Ukraine
  • Ігор Петрович Івасюк National scientific center "Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture" of UAAS, str. Station, 11, vtt. Glevakha-1, Vasilkiv district, Kyiv area, 08631, Ukraine



Projects, program, winter crops, sowing, terms, changeability, risk, management


The project environment constituents of the winter crops programs are marked. The reasons of technological risk in these projects are given

Author Biographies

Олександр Васильович Сидорчук, National scientific center "Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture" of UAAS, str. Station, 11, vtt. Glevakha-1, Vasilkiv district, Kyiv area, 08631

Doctor of engineerings sciences. prof

Павло Миронович Луб, Lviv national agrarian university str. В.Velykogo, 1, Dubljany, Zhovkva district, Lviv area, Ukraine, 80381

Candidate of engineerings sciences

Володимир Анатолійович Українець, National scientific center "Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture" of UAAS str. Station, 11, vtt. Glevakha-1, Vasilkiv district, Kyiv area, 08631


Ігор Петрович Івасюк, National scientific center "Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture" of UAAS, str. Station, 11, vtt. Glevakha-1, Vasilkiv district, Kyiv area, 08631



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How to Cite

Сидорчук, О. В., Луб, П. М., Українець, В. А., & Івасюк, І. П. (2012). The reasons of the technological risk in in winter crops programs. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(55), 29–31.



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