Development of multibase data storages on the basis of data and queries structuredness




multibase data storages, building, data structuredness, queries, genetic algorithms, gene-based adaptation of search


The study focuses on building multibase data storages that consider a correlation between the data properties and performed queries. This type of data storaging has been neither viewed as an approach nor researched before. Lack of attention especially concerns presentation of data by various models for optimizing query response.We suggest a method of designing multibase data storages on the basis of data structuredness, which allows posting the reference data in storage media the data models of which facilitate performing queries on them. The efficiency of the designed data storage is optimized on the basis of the statistics on queries processing and consists in storing data as well as saving the data in storage media with the help of indexing, materialized submission, fragmentation, and merger. We have studied both the impact of design phases and optimization on storage performance and the parameters of the modified genetic algorithm, including the threshold of gene adaptation.

The research has proved that application of the suggested approach increases the integral index of query processing by 10 %. The storage building time can be reduced to 50 %, which significantly impacts data storage building of a huge amount of data. An important advantage of the approach is flexibility: any storage media and optimization mechanisms can be used while applying the suggested models.

Author Biography

Андрій Юрійович Яцишин, Golovfintech Dehtiarivska 38-44, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04119

Lead application programmer


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How to Cite

Яцишин, А. Ю. (2015). Development of multibase data storages on the basis of data and queries structuredness. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(73), 11–17.