Influence of microwave electromagnetic treatment on properties of epoxy composites
oligomer, polyethylenepolyamine, composite, adhesive strength, residual stresses, dispersed fillerAbstract
Epoxy oligomers, containing reactive epoxy and hydroxyl groups, are widely used as binders to form composite materials (CM) with high performance. Improving the physical and mechanical properties, including adhesive strength and residual stresses of CM for protective coatings on their basis is achieved by introducing dispersed mineral fillers of different physical nature to the epoxy binder at the optimal content and external physical field treatment. Research on using electro-physical treatment methods of materials and products have shown the efficiency of using the power of the microwave (MW) electromagnetic (EM) oscillations.
The purpose of the paper is to determine the influence of the nature and content of the coarsely dispersed fillers in epoxy material on the adhesive strength and residual stresses in combination with their microwave electromagnetic treatment.
A study of the adhesive strength of plasticized epoxy binder after the MW electromagnetic field treatment before introducing a hardener was performed. It was first found that the best time of MW electromagnetic field treatment of plasticized epoxy matrix is 30 seconds, which leads to the maximized adhesive strength by 35 % due to improved cross-linking, caused by forming free radicals that interact intensively with hydroxyl centers on the metal base surface. It was proved that introducing coarsely dispersed fillers in the polymer matrix, followed by MW electromagnetic treatment allows to improve physical and mechanical properties of epoxy composites. It was revealed that composite materials, filled with SiC and B4C exposed to MW electromagnetic field within 60 seconds have the maximum adhesion characteristics. Introducing such fillers allows to further increase the adhesive strength by 25 % and 12 %, respectively, compared with the unfilled epoxy matrix.
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