Influence of organic compounds on the thermodynamic properties of a dyeing


  • Лидия Александровна Нестерова Kherson national technical university Berislavskoe Highway 24, Kherson, Ukraine, 73008, Ukraine



Reactive dyes, thermodynamicsо


In the article the influence of organic compounds on the thermodynamic characteristics of the process of a dyeing is investigated by reactive dyes. It is established that the use of technology in the coloring of organic compounds increases the affinity of reactive dyes for cellulose fiber

Author Biography

Лидия Александровна Нестерова, Kherson national technical university Berislavskoe Highway 24, Kherson, Ukraine, 73008

Ph.D., associate professor

Department of chemical engineering and design of fibrous materials


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How to Cite

Нестерова, Л. А. (2012). Influence of organic compounds on the thermodynamic properties of a dyeing. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(6(56), 45–47.



Technology organic and inorganic substances