Development of comprehensive oil sludge recycling method
oil sludge, thermal degradation, oxidized bitumen, refinery, environmental safetyAbstract
Current efficiency of using fuel and energy resources in Ukraine and CIS countries can be defined as one that does not meet modern requirements. This issue is particularly acute in the oil processing industry. One reason is excessive loss of hydrocarbons, including through the accumulation of oil sludge in open barns. The paper describes one of the solutions to the urgent problem, namely comprehensive recycling of oil sludge formed during oil processing in refineries. The composition and properties of oil sludge formed in the Turkmenbashi Refinery (Turkmenistan) and PJSC "NPK-Halychyna" (Ukraine) were investigated. Fundamental possibility of recycling organic oil sludge by shallow thermal degradation at temperatures of 420‑460 °C was defined. It was shown that thermal degradation residual can be used as an additive to raw materials for the bitumen production in an amount of up to 10 % by weight.
Based on the results, the current oil sludge utilization scheme was proposed.
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