Turbine modeling of the hydrodynamic device "Cascade-M"


  • Павел Павлович Ремизов National technical university Berislavske of highway, 28, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000, Ukraine
  • Сергей Аркадьевич Русанов National technical university Berislavske of highway, 28, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000, Ukraine
  • Дмитрий Алексеевич Дмитриев National technical university Berislavske of highway, 28, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000, Ukraine




Hydrodynamics, turbine, modeling


The results of hydrodynamic modeling of the turbine device "Cascade-M."  are presented. The optimum modes of the device was found , specified guidelines on choosing a generator

Author Biographies

Павел Павлович Ремизов, National technical university Berislavske of highway, 28, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000


Department of Chemical proivzodstv equipment and building materials companies

Сергей Аркадьевич Русанов, National technical university Berislavske of highway, 28, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000

Candidate of engineerings sciences, associate professor of department

Department of equipment of chemical productions and enterprises of building materials


Дмитрий Алексеевич Дмитриев, National technical university Berislavske of highway, 28, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000

Candidate of engineerings sciences, associate professor of department

Department of bases of constructing


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How to Cite

Ремизов, П. П., Русанов, С. А., & Дмитриев, Д. А. (2012). Turbine modeling of the hydrodynamic device "Cascade-M". Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(8(56), 64–67. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2012.3782



Energy-saving technologies and equipment