Control of grinding the mandrel working surface of cold-rolling mills
grinding, cold rolling mill mandrel, marginal control algorithmAbstract
It was found that for maximum performance of grinding the mandrel working surface of cold rolling mills at fulfilling all quality requirements for the machined surface, a graph of the material removal rate (MaterialRemovalRate) throughout the grinding cycle must be located in the region of acceptability, which is limited by the marginal algorithm as close to the boundaries of this region as possible. A problem of determining the material removal rate in grinding the curved surface of the mandrel by the torus-shaped grinding wheel can be solved only by a numerical method using the developed application.
To clarify and adapt the cutting process control law to actual conditions, conducting experimental studies to determine the parameters which cause the marginal algorithm restrictions for grinding the mandrel working surface according to the developed methodology is necessary.
Automated design of the cutting mode control when grinding the cold rolling mill mandrel is fully provided by the developed CAM system that has been introduced at Nikopol Pipe Plant of JSC "Centravis Production Ukraine" (Ukraine), where its effectiveness in preparing control programs for grinding a wide range of mandrels with the curved component on the modernized CNC grinding machine was fully confirmed.
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