Development of biotechnology of hydrogen sulfid removal from biogas using immobilization material based on phosphogypsum
biotechnology, hydrogen sulfide removal, biogas, phosphogypsum, immobilization of microorganisms, sulfurAbstract
The paper focuses on the possibility of using phosphogypsum in the biotechnology processes of gas purification. The biomass of Thiobacillus sp. was immobilized on the granulated material of support medium consisting of dihydrate phosphogypsum. Desulfurization resulted in forming of acidophilic microorganisms association that is able to oxidize hydrogen sulfide to form elemental sulfur in an acidic environment. The granulated loading was based on phosphogypsum and has the following advantages: it has low cost; it stimulates the development of needful ecological-trophic groups of microorganisms; it creates favorable conditions for the formation of biofilm on their surface; the contact surface extends with a gas stream; it is capable of regeneration; it is resistant to higher acidity; it has the protection function blocking toxic components; it increases the yield of elemental sulfur. Optimum conditions of biological system of hydrogen sulfide removal from biogas were determined.
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