The method of additives in devising a gas chromatographic method to determine ionol and water in energy oils
gas chromatography, extraction, energy oil, water, ionol, the method of additives/additive methodAbstract
The paper presents the results of devising a method of extraction and gas chromatography for determining the content of ionol and waterin petroleum energy oils (transformer, turbine, compressor, and engine oils). The research was aimed at higher accuracy and fidelity of the methods of extraction and gas chromatographic determining of antioxidant additives (ionol and water) concentration in petroleum energy oils. This could be achieved through a comparative trial of the analyzed energy oil by the method of adding definite amounts of ionol and wateras their solutions in respective liquid extractants. Meanwhile, the extractant added to the working sample of the analyzed energy oil must be ionol-free, and the content of the dissolved water must be minimal at the absence of free water.
We have identified the conditions for performing extraction and gas chromatography measurements. If the analyzed energy oil contains free water before identifying the ionol content, the oil is centrifuged for water separation and further dried with silica or sodium sulphate. The identified component is extracted from energy oil within 2 to 5 hours in the temperature range of 18-30 0С with stabilized temperature deviation range of no more than ± 2 0C. Ionol is extracted from energy oil at the value of the “acid number” indicator of less than 0.1 mg of KOH per 1 g of the analyzed energy oil. If the “acid number” indicatoris higher, the energy oil is subject to preliminary silica purification for reducing the indicator value. After the purification, the “presence of water-soluble acids” indicator must have a “lack of water-soluble acids” characteristic at рН = 6.0-8.0 for the aqueous extract from the purified energy oil. While determining water content in energy oil, the liquid extractant and water must be mixed at a room temperature and in any ratio without segregation. The devised methods of measurements allow determining the analyzed components within one trial of energy oil with the use of one gas chromatograph equipped with evaporators, thermal conductivity detector, and a flame ionization detector. The devised methods can be applied to determine ionol and water concentration in fresh, maintenance and regenerated energy oils for monitoring their quality indicators.
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