Production technology of complex fertilizers based on dispersed activated sludge


  • Олександра Ростиславівна Бєлянська Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University st. Dneprostroevskaya, 2, Dnirodzerzhinsk, Ukraine, 51918, Ukraine
  • Анна Володимирівна Іванченко Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University st. Dneprostroevskaya, 2, Dnirodzerzhinsk, Ukraine, 51918, Ukraine
  • Микола Дмитрович Волошин Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University st. Dneprostroevskaya, 2, Dnirodzerzhinsk, Ukraine, 51918, Ukraine



complex fertilizer, activated sludge, dispersion, settling


Nowadays there is a Ukraine's resource dependence on external sources of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium raw material for fertilizers production, so there is the need to create a technology for using these substances from waste. The source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium formation is the excess activated sludge that is accumulated for years in the wastewater treatment plant territory and overfills sludge drying beds. However, the activated sludge contains up to 99.8% of moisture, which prevents its widespread use in the fertilizers production technology. One way to reduce the moisture content in the sludge is its pre-machining, namely dispersion. It was proved in the paper that during machining with the disperser on the disperser rotor speed 17s-1 (Re=42,4•103) there is the partial destruction of the activated sludge microorganism cells, sludge structure becomes denser. It was found that when using dispersion processes, sludge swelling in the further settling is delayed by 40 minutes. A technological production scheme of complex fertilizers, which first uses dispersion process that accelerates activated sludge settling (sludge residual volume is decreased by 50%, and the humidity is reduced from 99.8 to 92%) was developed. The research has allowed to expand the raw material base to produce complex fertilizers on the example of Dniprodzerzhynsk city due to using the activated sludge, sludge of calcium nitrate production and create a technology with a complex fertilizer output of 932.75 tons/year (68%) of dry matter.

Author Biographies

Олександра Ростиславівна Бєлянська, Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University st. Dneprostroevskaya, 2, Dnirodzerzhinsk, Ukraine, 51918

Competitor, leading engineer

Laboratory MRSA CNIT

Department of Software Systems

Анна Володимирівна Іванченко, Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University st. Dneprostroevskaya, 2, Dnirodzerzhinsk, Ukraine, 51918

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Compounds

Микола Дмитрович Волошин, Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University st. Dneprostroevskaya, 2, Dnirodzerzhinsk, Ukraine, 51918

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Compounds


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How to Cite

Бєлянська, О. Р., Іванченко, А. В., & Волошин, М. Д. (2015). Production technology of complex fertilizers based on dispersed activated sludge. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(6(75), 43–47.