The analysis of introduction of innovative educational means at vocational training of engineers-designers


  • Денис Володимирович Борисенко Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Kharkiv Str. Universitetskaya, 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003, Ukraine



information concept, information support, innovative educational means, engineer-designer, design product


New educational means, involved in didactic design work their way up from the universal to narrowly targeted educational means. Multipurpose means that are characterized by mobility, representativeness, adequacy and efficiency occupy a special place. At their use, a trainer should consider the didactic principles, among which a special place is given to the principles of compensation, informatization, integration, visibility, virtuality-visualization, interactivity, instrumentality, and adaptability. Practical research of the features of innovative transformations during the comparative analysis of the two study groups was carried out in the paper.

The paper placed the emphasis on the study of the effect of information technologies on training future engineers-designers. During the pedagogical experiment, practical side of using innovative educational means in the study of special subjects was found, assessment of differences between control and experimental groups of students with further statistical analysis was performed. In the statistical analysis of the results of pedagogical research, an increase in the student's activity, interest in performing practical tasks in the course of the modern organization of educational process, especially the development of the creative solution of practical problems, above all, when developing the design product was revealed. Information educational means are characterized by flexibility and focus on the advanced format of the educational process organization, the formation of future specialists with modern information competence. Information concept of educational environment becomes one of the strategic ways of developing a modern social system and ensures efficient achievement of goals. 

Author Biography

Денис Володимирович Борисенко, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Kharkiv Str. Universitetskaya, 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003

Graduate student, assistant

The Department of Technology and Design


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How to Cite

Борисенко, Д. В. (2015). The analysis of introduction of innovative educational means at vocational training of engineers-designers. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2(75), 4–10.