
  • Володимир Святославович Богушевський National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" str. Polytechnique, 35, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine
  • Катерина Миколаївна Зубова National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" str. Polytechnique, 35, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine
  • Вікторія Юріївна Сухенко National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" str. Polytechnique, 35, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine



model, converter, metal bath, temperature behavior.


The metal temperature on the tapping from converter is an important parameter responsible for the success of the whole process. We have developed the model of temperature behavior control on the basis of theoretical explanation of kinetic processes of metal impurities oxidation and dissolution of cooling elements with heat-exchange process. These processes are regarded as a constituent part of the closed control system. While studying the thermic operation of fettling we found out that the temperature of the fettling fire surface (which contacts with the metal), reacts on the temperature change. These impacts provoke the low-frequency harmonious constituent of the temperature field with the cycle of vibration equal to the average melting duration. Our research has also shown that the impact of lime on the bath temperature depends on the insertion time. The later the lime is inserted the less one can see its cooling effect. The same dependence nature may be observed while studying the impact of the lime insertion time on the bath temperature. If the lime is inserted later, its chemical decomposition will be incomplete. The researches of experimental data in operating production conditions showed appropriateness of the approach usage.

Author Biographies

Володимир Святославович Богушевський, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" str. Polytechnique, 35, Kiev, 03056


Chair of Physical and chemical fundamentals of metals

Engineering Physics Department

Катерина Миколаївна Зубова, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" str. Polytechnique, 35, Kiev, 03056

Postgraduate student

Chair of Physical and chemical fundamentals of metals

Engineering Physics Department

Вікторія Юріївна Сухенко, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" str. Polytechnique, 35, Kiev, 03056

Ph.D., assistant

Chair of Physical and chemical fundamentals of metals

Engineering Physics Department


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  12. Богушевський, В.С. Динамічна модель контролю температурного режиму конвертерної ванни / Богушевський В. С., Жук С. В.// Наукові вісті НТУУ „КПІ”. – 2011. – № 1. – С. 90 – 96.



How to Cite

Богушевський, В. С., Зубова, К. М., & Сухенко, В. Ю. (2012). THE CLOSED CONTROL SYSTEM OF TEMPERATURE BEHAVIOR OF MELTING. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(3(59), 7–10.



Control systems