Modern information systems and technologies used at marshalling yards


  • Тетяна Юріївна Калашнікова Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport pl. Feuerbach, 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050, Ukraine
  • Дмитро Олексійович Стороженко Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport pl. Feuerbach, 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050, Ukraine



information systems, technologies, marshalling yard.


Over a period of independence of Ukraine, the problem of modernization and improvement of Ukrainian railroads, for the account of modern information systems and technologies, has arisen. The marshalling yards perform the major role in cargo handling on the railroads; that is why, the task was to develop information systems, oriented on the marshalling yards. Existing automatic control system requires modernization and improvement. For example, Russian railroaders have already used automatic control system station. It has additional subsystems, which reduce the time of making-up and braking-up of stock and inform all the clients of departments and administration of the railroad about the situation at the marshalling yards. More advanced system, using satellite navigation “ITAUR”, was designed. It embodies all existing tools and control systems. “ITAUR” is implemented at Yaroslavl marshalling yard of the Main Northern directorate of Russian railroad. In the U.S. and Canada, in order to optimize the processes of sorting and minimize damage to cars, the system “PROYARD” is used. It helps to collect and process the data on all technical aspects of car movement, as well as weather conditions. In the next version of «PROYARD» «PROYARD II», there is the definition of the speed of the car, depending on several factors, including the type of cargo. In «PROYARD III» a more precise control of the delay mechanisms is introduced, that helps to increase the traffic capacity and improve industrial safety. At Ukrainian marshalling yards, there is a necessity to improve information system or to introduce new one to reduce the transit and increase profits. These new systems are ACS ST, «PROYARD», «PROYARD II», «PROYARD III», «ITAUR" or others.

Author Biographies

Тетяна Юріївна Калашнікова, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport pl. Feuerbach, 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050

Candidate of technical science, docent

Department of Management Operational Work

Дмитро Олексійович Стороженко, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport pl. Feuerbach, 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050

Graduate student

Department of Management Operational Work


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How to Cite

Калашнікова, Т. Ю., & Стороженко, Д. О. (2012). Modern information systems and technologies used at marshalling yards. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(9(59), 17–20.



Information and controlling system