Research of gas-dynamic influence on the quality of casts during diversification of solidification conditions


  • Вадим Юрійович Селівьорстов National metallurgical Academy of Ukraine etc. Gagarin, 4, str. Dnepropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine



gas-dynamic effect, microstructure, metallographic research, mechanical properties.


The technology of the gas-dynamic influence on the melt in the mold, developed at the Department of foundry of the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, can transmit the growing gas pressure inside of the cast through the two-phase zone to the solidification front up to the complete solidification of the metal. It is implemented without the complicated special equipment and can be easily integrated into the current technological process. However, the definition of effective impact on solidifying melt study suggests a research of significant amount of physical and technological parameters of cast metal, one of the most significant of which includes the structure and phase composition. This article provides a comparative quantitative analysis of the structural components and mechanical properties of metal castings from carbonaceous, die and fast-cutting steel, aluminum, which are made in metal molds, as well as in the forms of casting according to traditional techniques and using the gas-dynamic effects in different modes. An increase of the mechanical properties of cast metal in all cases and the reasonability of using gas-dynamic effects, in order to improve the quality of cast metal, was indicated. The research results concerning the distribution of sulfide inclusions in castings from carbonaceous steel, were obtained directly in an industrial environment with the use of traditional and developed technology. The possibility of optimization of the modes of gas-dynamic effects, depending on the requirements for the properties of the cast metal was indicated.

Author Biography

Вадим Юрійович Селівьорстов, National metallurgical Academy of Ukraine etc. Gagarin, 4, str. Dnepropetrovsk, 49600

Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor

The Department of foundry production


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How to Cite

Селівьорстов, В. Ю. (2012). Research of gas-dynamic influence on the quality of casts during diversification of solidification conditions. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(10(59), 3–6.



Materials Science