Development of the theory of the early strength of cement stone and concrete and mechanisms of their primary structure


  • Александр Валерьевич Романенко Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Depovskaya str. 147/3, Lyubotin city, Kharkiv Region 62433, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Андрей Аркадьевич Плугин Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Skorohodа str.24, fl.52, Kharkiv 61093, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Аркадий Николаевич Плугин Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Skorohodа str.24, fl.35, Kharkov 61093, Ukraine
  • Олег Анатольевич Калинин Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Geroev Pratsі str.68, fl.8, Kharkiv 61121, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Алексей Андреевич Плугин Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Romain Rolland str.13, fl.60, Kharkiv 61058, Ukraine, Ukraine



concrete, cement stone, the early strength, superplasticizer, structure.


On the basis of the fundamental positions of colloid chemistry and physical and chemical mechanics of disperse systems the theoretical substantiation of increase of early strength of concrete using the optimal composition with addition of superplasti-cizer and complex accelerator of hardening was done. The analysis of influence of the complex additive to a primary structure of the cement stone and nature of the contacts between products of cement hydration was done. That was also found out that superplasticizer selectively adsorbed on the surfaces of C3A of cement particles, provides water-reducing effect, on the initial stage of hardening prevents the forma-tion of ettringite and increases the number of contacts between electroheteroheneous contacts between crystallohydrates of portlandite and hydrosilicate gel. In a result of the research it was developed concrete composition that provides the producing of concrete sleepers without steaming with obtaining transfer strength of 32 MPa in 12−16 hours of hardening in natural conditions.

Author Biographies

Александр Валерьевич Романенко, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Depovskaya str. 147/3, Lyubotin city, Kharkiv Region 62433, Ukraine

Assistant of Building Materials, Constructions and Buildings Department

Андрей Аркадьевич Плугин, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Skorohodа str.24, fl.52, Kharkiv 61093, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Science (DSc), Professor

Head of Building Materials, Constructions and Buildings Department

Аркадий Николаевич Плугин, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Skorohodа str.24, fl.35, Kharkov 61093

Doctor of Chemistry Science (DSc), Professor

Building Materials, Constructions and Buildings Department

Олег Анатольевич Калинин, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Geroev Pratsі str.68, fl.8, Kharkiv 61121, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)

Building Materials, Constructions and Buildings Department

Алексей Андреевич Плугин, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Romain Rolland str.13, fl.60, Kharkiv 61058, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Docent (Associate Professor)

Building Materials, Constructions and Buildings Department


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How to Cite

Романенко, А. В., Плугин, А. А., Плугин, А. Н., Калинин, О. А., & Плугин, А. А. (2012). Development of the theory of the early strength of cement stone and concrete and mechanisms of their primary structure. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(10(59), 28–32.



Materials Science