Experimental investigation of interaction between non-restricted flow and flexible pipeline


  • Федор Андреевич Бендеберя Odessa national maritime university 34 Mechnikova str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65000, Ukraine




flexible pipeline, oscillation frequency, flow velocity, vortex separation, frequency capture


The main results of the research of the flow around the flexible pipeline by the unrestricted flow of Newtonian fluid were considered. This issue is very important in the operation of vessels of the oil-producing fleet when the tandem operation of the oil platform and multi-purpose support vessel. In the underwater operation of the flexible pipeline, due to the nonlinear processes of formation and separation of discrete vortices or vortex sheet from the surface, vibration and undamped self-similar oscillations occur.

A description of the main features of this process at arbitrary and forced dynamic oscillations of the flexible pipeline was presented. It is shown that the flow velocity increase always leads to unstable operation modes of the pipeline and the vortex separation from the pipeline surface has a clear impact, starting from the vortex shedding frequency corresponding to the Strouhal number Sh=0,1.

The described research results indicate the possibility of reducing the negative impact of parametric oscillations of flexible pipelines in the operating conditions of vessels and allow to eliminate the causes of accidents related to their depressurization.

Author Biography

Федор Андреевич Бендеберя, Odessa national maritime university 34 Mechnikova str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65000

Postgraduate student

Department of theory and ship design by prof. Y.L. Vorobyov


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How to Cite

Бендеберя, Ф. А. (2015). Experimental investigation of interaction between non-restricted flow and flexible pipeline. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(7(77), 24–29. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2015.50249



Applied mechanics