Management of the hydraulic descaling from rolled sheet, based on genetic algorithms


  • Алексей Николаевич Шушура Donetsk National Technical University Artema str., 58, Donetsk, 83001, Ukraine
  • Константин Николаевич Зайцев Donetsk National Technical University Artema str., 58, Donetsk, 83001, Ukraine



descaling, genetic algorithms, specific scale deleting energy


Hydraulic descaling is one of the most progressive method for scale removal in metallurgy. The most rational way to identify key reservoir parameters for hydraulic descaling  is to provide the necessary liquid jets energy to remove the scale. These parameters are specific for each grade of steel. Specific scale deleting energy e * achieving is needed to provide the effectively scale removing. Scale density is defined by real time thermal images for each section of steel sheet. Value e * exceeding is due to the additional water flow. Also, we  need to minimize the cost of management.

Therefore the control criterion can be represented as function of three variables f(H,p,γ).

Presented in the above problem belongs to a class of nonlinear optimization problems. That’s why it is advisable to use genetic algorithms. The system uses an integer encoding that match to the desired control variables value: the water pressure in the nozzles, beam position, angle nozzle.

The authors have developed a fitness function of the system.

The following statements have been used in algorithm :

  • selection of roulette;
  • single-point crossover;
  • simple mutation.
Authors have developed software to perform the calculation of the control variables values

Author Biographies

Алексей Николаевич Шушура, Donetsk National Technical University Artema str., 58, Donetsk, 83001

PhD, Associate Professor

Institute for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Константин Николаевич Зайцев, Donetsk National Technical University Artema str., 58, Donetsk, 83001


Institute for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence


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How to Cite

Шушура, А. Н., & Зайцев, К. Н. (2012). Management of the hydraulic descaling from rolled sheet, based on genetic algorithms. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(3(60), 22–25.



Control systems