Study of corrosion rate and deposit accumulation under circulating water concentration in industrial applications




corrosion, deposits, circulating cooling system, circulating water, inhibition


The methods of investigating and the results of testing the corrosion rate and deposit accumulation on control samples of various metals in two similar industrial circulating cooling systems (CCS) with specified water chemistry were presented. As the make-up water, biologically treated municipal and industrial wastewater with a high content of anions of strong acids were used in systems.

The results of the influence of phosphate inhibitors on the processes of deposit accumulation and corrosion rate at different concentration coefficients in the circulating cooling system were given. Introducing phosphate inhibitors to the make-up water, consisting of the biologically treated wastewater, subjected to liming allows to reduce the deposition rate on the heat transfer surface of heat exchangers to a value of 0.05 g/m2•h.

Results of comparison of deposit accumulation and corrosion rate values on heated and unheated samples in the studied environments were provided. It was shown that the deposition rate on heated samples in comparable thermal-hydraulic conditions is several dozen times higher.

The main factor affecting the value of deposit accumulation on samples from Art. 20 is the value of corrosion rate of the sample.

To obtain reliable and reproducible results, laboratory and industrial tests of corrosion rate and deposit accumulation should be carried out for 1,000 hours or more in comparable thermal-hydraulic conditions on large-scale models of CCS at a given quality of circulating water.

Author Biographies

Вадим Валентинович Чиченин, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Assistant Professor

Department of water and fuel technologies

Виктор Афанасьевич Кишневский, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044


Department of water and fuel technologies

Анастасия Сергеевна Грицаенко, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

phD student

Department of water and fuel technologies

Святослав Лаврентьевич Савич, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Assistant Professor

Department of Inorganic substances Technology and Ecology

Ирина Дмитриевна Шуляк, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Assistant Professor

Department of water and fuel technologies


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How to Cite

Чиченин, В. В., Кишневский, В. А., Грицаенко, А. С., Савич, С. Л., & Шуляк, И. Д. (2015). Study of corrosion rate and deposit accumulation under circulating water concentration in industrial applications. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(78), 34–40.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment