Modeling and validation of magnetic field distribution of permanent magnets




magnetic field, FEM modeling, Elmer, permanent magnets, finite element method


The results of three-dimensional modeling of the magnetic field distribution of permanent magnets were presented. The developed method for modeling the magnetic field distribution of the permanent magnet with the set geometric parameters was also given. For three-dimensional modeling, open source software ElmerFem, where calculations were performed by the finite element method was used.

Experimental studies of the distribution of the magnetic field, originating from real magnets, in order to verify the model used in modeling were conducted. Correction of the model used in modeling was carried out based on the experimental studies. Verification of the developed method by modeling and measurement of permanent magnets was also performed. The results of experimental studies and theoretical modeling were almost identical, which validated the developed method for modeling the magnetic field distribution of permanent magnets. The developed method can be used in solving applied problems of calculating the three-dimensional distribution of magnetic fields of permanent magnets, which are used in designs of electric machines, electromagnetic transducers.

Author Biographies

Алиция Петровна Прачуковска, Warsaw University of Technology, Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland


Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering

Михал Станиславович Новицки, Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP, Jerozolimskie 202, Warsaw, Poland, 02-486

Graduate student

Игорь Вацлавович Коробийчук, Warsaw University of Technology, Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics

Роман Юзевич Шевчик, Warsaw University of Technology, Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland

Doctor of engineering, Professor

Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering

Яцек Люцианович Салах, Warsaw University of Technology, Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering


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How to Cite

Прачуковска, А. П., Новицки, М. С., Коробийчук, И. В., Шевчик, Р. Ю., & Салах, Я. Л. (2015). Modeling and validation of magnetic field distribution of permanent magnets. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(5(78), 4–11.



Applied physics