Study of the process of management of the operating modes of electric networks in modern conditions


  • Владимир Емельянович Бондаренко National technical university «Kharkov polytechnic institute« 61002, Kharkiv-2, street of Frunze, 21, Ukraine
  • Николай Михайлович Черемисин Kharkov National technical university agriculture the name of P. Vasylenko 61002, Kharkiv, street of Engels, 19, Ukraine
  • Вероника Викторовна Черкашина National technical university «Kharkov polytechnic institute« 61002, Kharkiv-2, street of Frunze, 21, Ukraine



management of operating modes of electric networks, electric power transmission, SmartGrid, balancing market


To improve the process of management of operating modes of electric networks in modern conditions, the following tasks were solved. Technical and economic model of OL, taking into account the incompleteness of the initial information, which is characterized by changes in analytical connection of investments with the wire section to optimize the parametric series of wire sections was improved. The criterion of technical and economic distinctiveness of the OL options taking into account the discreteness of the scale of wire sections in forming the parametric series, which is a prerequisite for the OL unification and reduces the effect of network heterogeneity was formed. To optimize the process of management of electric power transmission, the principle of economic similarity in the problems of improving the OL structure based on unification, which provides a twofold extension of the object life until the first reconstruction at the minimum technological losses was elaborated. Some development aspects of OL as the active-adaptive objects of EN under the SmartGrid platform to regulate the process of management of electric power transmission in real time were presented.

Author Biographies

Владимир Емельянович Бондаренко, National technical university «Kharkov polytechnic institute« 61002, Kharkiv-2, street of Frunze, 21

Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor

Department: Transmissions of electric energy

Николай Михайлович Черемисин, Kharkov National technical university agriculture the name of P. Vasylenko 61002, Kharkiv, street of Engels, 19

Department: power Supply and power management 

Вероника Викторовна Черкашина, National technical university «Kharkov polytechnic institute« 61002, Kharkiv-2, street of Frunze, 21

Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor

Department: Transmissions of electric energy


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How to Cite

Бондаренко, В. Е., Черемисин, Н. М., & Черкашина, В. В. (2015). Study of the process of management of the operating modes of electric networks in modern conditions. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(78), 11–18.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment