Mathematical model of deformation of foundation plate of gas air cooling device


  • Андрій Петрович Олійник Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine
  • Борис Сергійович Незамай Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine
  • Ольга Романівна Кучер Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine



gas air cooling device, deformation of foundation plates, Boussinesq problem


The article represents the model of the deformation of the foundation system for gas air cooling of compressor station of the header. The modeling method is based on the solution of the classical problem of Boussinesq about the effect of concentrated force on the spring half-space, provided the orthogonality force vector to the specified half-space.

Implementing the model, the effect of forces on certain calculation grid with the possibility of setting the value of the current load at each point of the grid, changes in physical and mechanical properties of materials and design features of the geometry of the object under study were taken into account.

The way to determine three components of the displacement vector and six components of the stress tensor was suggested. A series of test calculations for the gas air cooling devices was suggested. There is a conclusion as for the good balancing of modeling results with the real picture of the deformation process, test points displacements and their spatial configuration.

The model can be used to study the gas air cooling devices as well as other equipment of compressor stations, which is characterized by concentrated forces, for example oil air cooling device, gas compressor units. The application of these methods and models allows a more accurate estimate of the stress-strain state of foundation plates of technological objects of compressor stations

Author Biographies

Андрій Петрович Олійник, Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019

Doctor of technical scince, Assistant of Professor

Department of Computer Tecnologies in Automatics and Control Systems

Борис Сергійович Незамай, Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019

Kandidat of technical scince

Department of Computer Tecnologies in Automatics and Control Systems

Ольга Романівна Кучер, Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019

Department of Computer Tecnologies in Automatics and Control Systems


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How to Cite

Олійник, А. П., Незамай, Б. С., & Кучер, О. Р. (2012). Mathematical model of deformation of foundation plate of gas air cooling device. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(7(60), 26–29.



Applied mechanics