Dynamic models in the method of project management
project management, synchronization and desynchronization of events, the dynamic model of the project activity, phase portraitAbstract
The study focuses on the issues connected with the models and methods of managing the projects, programs and other activities within the project portfolio, which allow the support of management decisions when it is necessary to align the resource requests. We consider the possibilities for improving the efficiency of management due to the artificial planned synchronization, desynchronization or self-synchronization of events in the project subsystems.
This can be achieved due to the devised theoretical basis and practical recommendations on constructing the phase dynamic models of the dynamic systems of design activities, which is illustrated by the system of “financial and material supply – current demand of materials”. The self-tuning dynamic system of “project management in the foundry construction” proved to be efficient and gave positive technical results in the implementation of the real project.
It is proven that synchronization and desynchronization are essential parts of those project activities, the exact time of which is impossible to predict and, hence, to plan in advance. The project should provide for the possibility of self-synchronization of the events. The devised method for self-synchronization is based on the concept of the project as a dynamic system, whose attractor is the point of synchronization in the phase portrait. Recommendations on constructing the dynamic models are based on the theoretical foundations of the study of complex systems and the practical experience of planning and implementing the project activities in the construction of industrial facilities.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Олександр Леонідович Становський, Катерина Вікторівна Колесникова, Олена Юріївна Лєбедєва, Вікторія Віталіївна Добровольська, Ісмаіл Хеблов

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