Liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of toluene ozone-air mixture


  • Андрій Генрійович Галстян Institute of chemical technology Vostochnoukraynskoho National University. Dal (g Rubezhnoe) Street. Lenina, 31 g Rubezhnoe, Ukraine, 93009, Ukraine



Oxidation, ozone, toluene, catalyst


The article presents the results of the study of kinetic patterns of the reaction of ozone with toluene in acetic anhydride. It was shown that an effective method of control of the depth of ozone oxidation  of toluene at the methyl group is carrying out the reaction in a solution of acetic anhydride  with sulfuric acid, where the labile intermediates in the moment of formation turn into the forms resistant to ozone - benzyl acetate and benzylidene diacetate. The use of manganese-bromide catalyst increases the rate and depth of oxidation of toluene: the main products of the reaction are benzaldehyde (72.5% in acylated and 10% in non acylated forms and 7.5% of benzyl acetate. It was determined that the implication of toluene to the oxidation at the methyl group passes according to the reaction with the oxidized form of the metal, which is formed in result of the reaction with ozone. A scheme for catalysis was suggested in the article. In these conditions, the oxidation is carried out by molecular oxygen, and ozone acts as an initiator of oxidation. The kinetics of the main stages of the catalytic cycle was studied, the mechanism of oxidation-reduction catalysis, which conforms to the experimental data obtained was suggested

Author Biography

Андрій Генрійович Галстян, Institute of chemical technology Vostochnoukraynskoho National University. Dal (g Rubezhnoe) Street. Lenina, 31 g Rubezhnoe, Ukraine, 93009

Candidate of chemical sciences, dean of the Faculty of Chemistry science


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How to Cite

Галстян, А. Г. (2012). Liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of toluene ozone-air mixture. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(6(60), 62–65.



Technology organic and inorganic substances