Peculiarities of methods of details processing by surface plastic deformation


  • Антон Олександрович Келемеш Poltava State Agrarian Academy Str. Pans, 1/3, Poltava, Ukraine, 36003, Ukraine



Surface deformation, residual stresses, operating life, quality of processing


The provision of quality of workpiece surface while manufacturing (recovering) the details encourages the increase of the machine's resources and their reliability. The examined issues of surface plastic deformation are focused on the explanation of choice of the process of hardening of the workpiece surface of specific details in order to improve their performance.

The article considers the characteristic of the applied methods of details processing. The prospects of the method of vibration hardening of details surface were justified, in terms of further development.

It was shown that the qualitative state of the workpiece surface alters after the deformation. The complexity of the process of plastic deformation was noted due to such factors as heterogeneity of material, its structure and properties. The comparative evaluation of static and vibration types of plastic deformation was given. The article reveals the relevance of the method of vibration hardening of specific details of agricultural equipment, providing a high degree of hardening that would increase the operating life for the account of residual compressive stresses

Author Biography

Антон Олександрович Келемеш, Poltava State Agrarian Academy Str. Pans, 1/3, Poltava, Ukraine, 36003


Chair repair machinery and construction materials


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How to Cite

Келемеш, А. О. (2012). Peculiarities of methods of details processing by surface plastic deformation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(1(60), 18–20.



Mechanical engineering technology