Express-evaluation of water quality of the Merefa river and the ground water “Berezovskaya”


  • Валентина Михайловна Лобойченко National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine Ukraine, Kharkiv, Chernyshevskogo Street. 94, 61023, Ukraine



quality of water, electroconductivity, natural water, underground water


The article considers the criteria for selecting the optimal parameter for characterizing the quality of the natural water. The parameter should meet the requirements for methods of chemical analysis, and the purposes and objectives of the research. However, its determination should be carried out in the frameworks of the current legislation of Ukraine.

For express-evaluation of the quality of natural water a parameter of electricoconductivity was suggested. Its determination should be carried out using special instruments - conductometers. The technique of measuring of electroconductivity in this case is characterized by rapidity, simplicity and high accuracy of definition.

The article presents the analysis of samples of surface water (Merefa River) and of groundwater (water "Berezovskaya" of sanatorium "Berminvody"). The results were compared to the electricoconductivity of tap water (Kharkiv) and bottled water "Berezovskaya". It was determined that the electroconductivity of water "Berezovskaya" is close to the electroconductivity of tap water, while the sample of water from the Merefa River is characterized by higher value of the parameter, and, therefore, higher content of dissolved salts.

It was noted that the suggested parameter could not be regarded as universal while evaluating the quality of natural waters and in some cases additional research is required

Author Biography

Валентина Михайловна Лобойченко, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine Ukraine, Kharkiv, Chernyshevskogo Street. 94, 61023

Candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of department of labour protection and anthropogenic-ecological safety


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How to Cite

Лобойченко, В. М. (2012). Express-evaluation of water quality of the Merefa river and the ground water “Berezovskaya”. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10(60), 7–9.