Influence humidity of wood on the process gasification of wood in a continuous layer


  • Степан Степанович Лис National university of forest technology of Ukraine 79057 Lviv, UKRAINE, 103, General Chuprynka Str., Ukraine
  • Йосиф Степанович Мисак National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Bandera street, 12, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013, Ukraine



Gasification of wood, synthesis-gas, humidity of wood


This paper presents the results of research of the influence humidity of wood on the process thermal recycling of wood in a continuous layer to the gaseous fuel. We obtain the regression equation, which can be the basis for the process under investigation and rational control

Author Biographies

Степан Степанович Лис, National university of forest technology of Ukraine 79057 Lviv, UKRAINE, 103, General Chuprynka Str.

Assistant of department of automatization of production processes, electrical engineering and heating engineering

Йосиф Степанович Мисак, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Bandera street, 12, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of department

Department of Thermal Engineering and thermal power plants


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How to Cite

Лис, С. С., & Мисак, Й. С. (2012). Influence humidity of wood on the process gasification of wood in a continuous layer. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(8(58), 4–6.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment