Cyclic code for forming stochastic structure of the acoustic radiation


  • Мирослава Федорівна Калініна National technical university of Ukraine is the "Kyiv polytechnic institute" Avenue Victories, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine



Stochastic structure of acoustic radiation, rotor-type siren, chain code


The article considers the analytical apparatus to explain the potential of rotor-type dynamic siren in the forma- tion at test bench, under surface and acoustic conditions of aircraft operation. It is underlined that due to the rotor- type siren it is possible to correct the structure of spectrum of generated aerodynamical noise as well as to solve the optimization problems. The stochastic structure of conditions on location is realized through the installation of the rotor and stator of the siren on the basis of the properties of residual cyclic quadric chain code that allows the cre- ation of necessary modulation function. The conducted calculations of rotor siren parameters demonstrate the adv- antages of the method for the solution of stipulated problems. The mathematical models show the prospects of rotor siren in the function of the generator of aerodynamical noise. The results of research could be applied in aviation and space engineering for the creation of corresponding test benches. The application of results and recommenda- tions of the research will permit to bring nearer the operation of surface test benches to the flight conditions

Author Biography

Мирослава Федорівна Калініна, National technical university of Ukraine is the "Kyiv polytechnic institute" Avenue Victories, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Graduate student

Department of biotechnics and engineering


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How to Cite

Калініна, М. Ф. (2012). Cyclic code for forming stochastic structure of the acoustic radiation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4(60), 50–55.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects