Analysis of the schematics of the compression heat-driven refrigeration machine with R744
compressor heat-driven refrigeration machine, heat recovery, R744, thermodynamic analysis, exergy efficiencyAbstract
The classification group of heat-driven refrigeration machines includes compressor heat-driven refrigeration machines driven by a turbine that operates with the same refrigerant as the refrigeration machine.
Development of research of compressor heat-driven refrigeration machines is associated with the use of R744 (carbon dioxide) as a refrigerant. This, together with the design of new schemes and cycles and, consequently, the solution of energy saving and environmental security problems in refrigeration equipment has enhanced the utilization of heat of any temperature.
New scheme-cycle designs are developed based on heat recovery in direct and reverse refrigeration cycles by cross-flow heat exchange between flows in cycles. To estimate the energy perfection of the decisions made, modern methods of thermodynamic analysis, energy and exergy are applied, which provided a simultaneous solution of energy saving problems.
It is shown that the energy (exergy) efficiency depends on the combination of the machine scheme and the refrigerant parameters (pressure and temperature) in gas heaters, and its values are determined by the temperature level of heat utilized. The exergy analysis defined the impact of irreversible losses in each element on the overall system efficiency, revealed the most critical elements, which should be regarded in the design of heat-driven machines in question.References
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