Simulation of cable and wire waste separation process


  • Елена Ивановна Назимко Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kerch State Maritime Technological University" 82 Ordzhonikidze str., Kerch, 298309,
  • Сергей Владимирович Малько Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kerch State Maritime Technological University" 82 Ordzhonikidze str., Kerch, 298309,
  • Анна Юрьевна Семенова Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kerch State Maritime Technological University" 82 Ordzhonikidze str., Kerch, 298309,



waste, cables and wires, components, separation, air separation, numerical simulation, looseness


Growth in the amount of waste containing non-ferrous metals leads to environmental pollution. Waste recycling is economically advantageous not only from an environmental standpoint. The problem is to separate the scrap components for further processing. The cheapest method is gravity separation in the air stream. The study found that the process efficiency and performance depend on the material looseness in the working space of the separator. The effect of this parameter is examined through numerical simulation using the discrete element method and GranularLux software package.

This method allows exploring various process parameters in very small, discrete time periods, the impact of which is difficult to reveal in the field experiment. The theoretical basis of the method and the results of simulation of cable and wire waste separation process are presented. It is shown that simulation allows determining the rational looseness of scrap particles in the working space of the separator, which provides the required quality of separation products. The results can be used in the development of technology and equipment for waste separation into components. Waste recycling will reduce human impacts on the environment.

Author Biographies

Елена Ивановна Назимко, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kerch State Maritime Technological University" 82 Ordzhonikidze str., Kerch, 298309

Doctor of technical science, Professor

Department of Ecology Sea

Сергей Владимирович Малько, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kerch State Maritime Technological University" 82 Ordzhonikidze str., Kerch, 298309

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ecology Sea

Анна Юрьевна Семенова, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kerch State Maritime Technological University" 82 Ordzhonikidze str., Kerch, 298309


Department of Ecology Sea


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How to Cite

Назимко, Е. И., Малько, С. В., & Семенова, А. Ю. (2016). Simulation of cable and wire waste separation process. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(5(79), 12–18.