Approximation of the laws of distribution information parametr for ndt composite materials


  • Севіля Русланівна Сунетчієва National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine
  • Євгеній Федорович Суслов National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine



nondestructive testing, approximation of the laws of distribution, composite materials


Acoustic impedance method is one of the most popular ways in non-destructive testing of compounds in multilayer structures. The method is based on difference of mechanical impedances in damaged and defect-free areas of controlled product.

The main informative parameter for most contemporary flaw detectors is the amplitude of the signal, received from the impedance sensor. Usually diagnostic decision making is based on threshold overrunning by chosen informative parameter. Threshold value can be calculated with the help of statistical methods that include information about the distribution law of informative parameters samples obtained from and defect-free areas.

For evaluating the possibility of choosing approach for the approximation of the laws of distribution of information parameter, we have done the experimental testing of composite samples with artificially marked defects. The sample had four defects, which had different size and tapes of damage. Tables 1 and 2 present the results of the research, and also present approximation equations and their approximations. The obtained equation can be used not only for specification of the threshold value but also to assess the probability of control for defects of various types and sizes

Author Biographies

Севіля Русланівна Сунетчієва, National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680


Department of information-measuring systems

Євгеній Федорович Суслов, National aviation university Komarova 1, Kiev, 03680

Assistant, post-graduate student

Department of information-measuring systems


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  3. Методика установления вида математической модели распределения погрешности: МИ 199-79 [Текст].// ― М.: Издательство стандартов, 1981 - 31 с.



How to Cite

Сунетчієва, С. Р., & Суслов, Є. Ф. (2012). Approximation of the laws of distribution information parametr for ndt composite materials. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(11(60), 45–47.



Radio engineering information tools