High stable galvanomagnetic sensor with time conversion on switching capacitors


  • Зенон Юрійович Готра National University "Lviv Polytechnic" str. Stepan Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
  • Роман Любомирович Голяка National University "Lviv Polytechnic" str. Stepan Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
  • Тетяна Анатоліївна Марусенкова National University "Lviv Polytechnic" str. Stepan Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
  • Вікторія Юріївна Ільканич National University "Lviv Polytechnic" str. Stepan Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
  • Іван Михайлович Годинюк Jurij Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
  • Оксана Василівна Бойко Lviv Medicine National University, Ukraine
  • Валентин Вікторович Лесінський Jurij Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine




magnetic field sensor, magnetic transistor, stabilization


The article concerns the new construction principles and circuitry of galvanomagnetic sensors with time conversion. The objective of the research is to stabilize modes of a signal transducer of the sensor of magnetic field based on the lateral double-collector magnetic transistor. The usage of the circuitry on the switching capacitors in the signal transducer of the sensor devices on the magnetic transistors has the particular relevance - unlike other galvanomagnetic transducers, including Hall sensors, the informative signals of magnetic transistors are not potential, but current circles. Thus, the replacement of the traditional resistive load of the collector circles of the magnetic transistors on the capacitors allows the realization of the time method of the measuring conversion.

The informative value of the measuring conversion is duration of time, during which voltage on the load capacitors of the collector circles of the magnetic transistors reaches a given threshold level. A counter, controlled by a comparator of voltage level, forms a digital code, which counts the number of the clock pulses, during which the capacitor is being charged.

The main result is the new circuit solution of the high stable magnetic transistor sensor with time transformation on the switching capacitors, which stabilizes the operation of the device at the voltage drift. The hardware-software complex for the adjustment and examination of stability of the measuring transducer was designed. The results can be used in the magnetic field sensors that meet the requirements of the modern low-voltage energy efficient electronics

Author Biographies

Зенон Юрійович Готра, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" str. Stepan Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013

Head of electronic devices chair

Doctor of Electronics, professor

Роман Любомирович Голяка, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" str. Stepan Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013

Professor of electronic devices chair

Doctor of Electronics, professor

Тетяна Анатоліївна Марусенкова, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" str. Stepan Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013

Post-graduate student of electronic devices chair

Вікторія Юріївна Ільканич, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" str. Stepan Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013

Post-graduate student of electronic devices chair

Іван Михайлович Годинюк, Jurij Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Post-graduate student of the Department of Radio Engineering and Information Security

Оксана Василівна Бойко, Lviv Medicine National University

Head of medicine informatics chair

Candidate of science, assistant professor

Валентин Вікторович Лесінський, Jurij Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Assistant of the Department of Radio Engineering and Information Security


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How to Cite

Готра, З. Ю., Голяка, Р. Л., Марусенкова, Т. А., Ільканич, В. Ю., Годинюк, І. М., Бойко, О. В., & Лесінський, В. В. (2012). High stable galvanomagnetic sensor with time conversion on switching capacitors. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(12(60), 7–11. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2012.6018



Sensory semiconductor devices