Analysis of errors of automated control of moisture of natural gas


  • Йосип Йосипович Білинський Vinnytsya National Technical University str. Khmelnitske Highway 95, Vinnitsa, 21021, Ukraine
  • Оксана Степанівна Городецька Vinnytsya National Technical University str. Khmelnitske Highway 95, Vinnitsa, 21021, Ukraine
  • Сергій Степанович Білошкурський Vinnytsya National Technical University str. Khmelnitske Highway 95, Vinnitsa, 21021, Ukraine



relative moisture, control, measurement error


The article provides further study of the suggested two-channel analyzer of moisture of natural gas using feedback. The main goal is the analysis of measurement errors and evaluation of the possible control of moisture of natural gas. The article highlighted the main components of instrumental and methodological errors of measurement. A composition of distribution laws for selected components of random error was determined and an overall error of measurement was estimated. The errors of the first and the second kind were estimated and the probability of automated control of moisture of natural gas was defined. The suggested moisture analyzer with two-wave system can reduce a measurement error due to lack of necessity of the additional measurements of molar masse of the examined gas and its pressure. On the basis of the research of a model of the analyzer of moisture of natural gas, we can conclude whether it meets the requirements, as the developed analyzer allowed us to increase the susceptibility and reliability of control due to the linearization of the transformation function. This means that the developed analyzer can be used to create an experimental sample of contactless control of moisture on stream

Author Biographies

Йосип Йосипович Білинський, Vinnytsya National Technical University str. Khmelnitske Highway 95, Vinnitsa, 21021


Department of Electronics

Оксана Степанівна Городецька, Vinnytsya National Technical University str. Khmelnitske Highway 95, Vinnitsa, 21021

Associate Professor

Department of Telecommunication Systems and Television

Сергій Степанович Білошкурський, Vinnytsya National Technical University str. Khmelnitske Highway 95, Vinnitsa, 21021


Department of automation and information-measuring devices


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How to Cite

Білинський, Й. Й., Городецька, О. С., & Білошкурський, С. С. (2012). Analysis of errors of automated control of moisture of natural gas. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(12(60), 30–33.



Sensory semiconductor devices