Improving the transport cyber security under destructive impacts on information and communication systems




information and communication environment of transport, cyber security, information security, threat detection


The information and communication environment of transport (ICET) is focused on interaction with other sectors of the economy in order to reduce delays in shipping, handling of marine and river vessels, containers, wagons, vans through the use of electronic payment systems, "Client-Bank", etc. Possible failures, caused by cyber attacks in systems of such level of complexity require new research of information security (IS) of ICET with emphasis on accessibility, stability, and integrity of the information stored and processed in information systems (IS) and the automated control systems (ACS) of the transport industry.

The paper presents the results of research aimed at developing cyber threat detection methods and models for ICET and enhancing their stability under formation of a single information space, introduction of new and modernization of existing IS and ACS in transport and increase in the number of destabilizing effects on the information availability, safety, and integrity. The method of intelligent cyber threat detection based on discrete procedures using the apparatus of logic functions and fuzzy sets is proposed. It will improve the cyber attack detection efficiency, and can also be used to design new hardware and software solutions for systems of cyber defense of ICET.

Author Biographies

Валерій Анатолійович Лахно, European University 16B Academician Vernadskiy Blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03115

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate professor

Department of Managing Information Security

Андрій Володимирович Грабарєв, European University 16B Academician Vernadskiy Blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03115

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Dean of the Faculty of Information Systems and Technology


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How to Cite

Лахно, В. А., & Грабарєв, А. В. (2016). Improving the transport cyber security under destructive impacts on information and communication systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(3(79), 4–11.



Control processes