A geoinformation system of “the hydrocomplexes of Ukraine” as an important part in supporting managerial decisions
hydrocomplexes of Ukraine, geographic information system (GIS), technogenic and environmental safety, sustainable development, hydrocomplex exploitationAbstract
Technogenic and environmental safety of hydrocomplexes is an important part in the system of national security, and making prompt managerial decisions in this area is an important factor of a sustainable development of Ukraine. However, the existing problem of subordination of different parts of a hydrocomplex complicates and even impedes a prompt assessment of the actual safety of the complex engineering facilities for future managerial decisions.
The study was aimed at working out an effective, representative and easy-to-use geographic information system (GIS) of “The hydrocomplexes of Ukraine” based on the principles of a multicriteria complex assessment of the technogenic and environmental safety of hydrocomplexes of Ukraine as complex environmental, technogenic, geological, engineering, and technical systems.
The test objects of the specified GIS comprised 18 major hydrocomplexes of Ukraine, for which we had researched and provided a large volume of data on various aspects of their operation.
The designed structure of the GIS and the implemented software product thereof can be useful not only for managers and scientists dealing with the operation of hydraulic structures but also for the general public that may be concerned with environmental issues in the regions of Ukraine.
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