Analysis and comparison of experimental research of pump with centrifugal-vortex stage




pump, centrifugal-vortex stage, impeller, pressure characteristics, power, pressure


The paper is aimed at investigating the operation of the pump with combined centrifugal-vortex stage. The constructed power characteristics show that the pump has rather a high pressure (H=12 m) and low power consumption (N=0.27 kW) with low fluid supply (Q=27 m3/day).

To determine the combined stage usefulness, comparative power characteristics of the pump with combined centrifugal-vortex stage with centrifugal and vortex pumps, having similar geometric dimensions are obtained. The comparative analysis shows that the pressure of the pump with combined centrifugal-vortex stage is 2.5 times higher than that of two pumps.

This data allows a greater understanding of the further study of pump operation with combined centrifugal-vortex stage.

The results of the tests allow concluding that the application range of pumps with combined centrifugal-vortex stage is quite limited: the oil industry, pressure boosting systems, fire suppression systems, as well as washing and sprinkler systems.

Author Biography

Maxim Naida, Sumy state university 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

Postgraduate student

Department of applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics


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How to Cite

Naida, M. (2016). Analysis and comparison of experimental research of pump with centrifugal-vortex stage. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(7(80), 26–31.



Applied mechanics