energy, project-oriented organization, resources value rate.Abstract
In the recent years project-oriented organizations are widely disseminated as companies engaged in production activities by implementing of a number of individual projects.
The purpose of this article is a development of the energy model of value management of the project-oriented organization. This model will solve the problem of the efficient forming of the company project portfolio.
The main position in the structure of modern science is the definition of energy - a single measure of various forms of movement and synergy of substance. The central concept of project management is the concept of value.
Full value of the organization as a system, can be considered as the sum of its internal and external values.
Internal value includes the value of all the organization's resources and is a function of its state.
The external value of the organization describes its synergy with other organizations and with environment. External value consists of the kinetic and potential components. Kinetic component is determined by the velocity of the organization, the potential component is determined by ambitions of the strategy adopted.
Use of the energy model of value management allows solving a range of problems of the project-oriented organizations management: evaluation of accessibility of the strategic goals without external sources of value; calculation of the project value for all stakeholders;efficient forming of the company’s project portfolio considering strategic goals’ achievement;evaluation of the efficiency of the different types of organization resources.
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